Hi and welcome to the forum! The Luxaire Model SUO75MA was manufactured in 1967 and has a BTU capacity of 75,000.. Overview of the Luxaire TG9S line of Furnace, . I have been reading the reviews and felt I needed to . My Luxaire TG9 has performed flawlessly ever since .. Hvac Serial and Model numbers. . How to Read Ducane HVACs Serial Number and Model Number I have put together lists of Ducane serial and model number decode or .
How Old Is My Air Conditioning Unit? May 5, 2014; . The serial number has the age coded within the numbers. Some nameplates (like the one pictured to the right) .. Want to find some information on your unit? In the search box below, enter a unit serial number and find it! Please note that lookup by Sales Order and Purchase Order currently only applies
model nomenclature. 90%+ gas furnace. gas furnace model number identification guide.
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INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PACKAGE HEAT PUMP OR PACKAGE COOLING UNIT . Read the limited warranty .. An example of a 20 digit serial number is CE0HR0E0600CP9BP0001 Any character I or O is always a number, . code reader you can use this to read the serial number.
lhakpergcentro Admin replied
355 weeks ago