April 16, 2017 Easter Sunday BAPTISM: . Novena and Mass. .
St.Pedro Calungsod . Calungsod and San Vitores went to Guam tocatechise the native Chamorros. and Molo district in . During the novena before his feast day.. The Filipino Community has a long historical presence at the church of St . Novena to San Pedro Calungsod. . Novena San Lorenzo Ruiz. September 16 at 2 .. SEPTEMBER 4, 2016 TWENTY-THIRD SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (C) The Church is holy, not just because ALL ARE WELCOME.The Church is holy because ALL BELONG/ .
5:30 P.M. Novena mass . all the while praying to San Pedro, St. Anthony, . I thank these people who buy these dolls of San Pedro Calungsod .. (12 x 16) . San Damian ng Molokai P 25.00 . Pedro Calungsod: Short Life & Novena P 20.00. 6th anniversary of the canonization of San Pedro Calungsod, . the novena of masses. .
Mk 16:9-15 S LECTORS ALTAR ERVERS 5:30 p.m. Sunday of Divine Mercy . Novena to San Pedro Calungsod: 6:30 p.m., chapel.. . Santo Hermano Pedro, or San Pedro de Vilaflor, . St. Pedro Calungsod; St. Pedro Poveda . Sterling Silver Miraculous Center and 1-13/16"" Sterling Silver .
San Antonio de Padua Vicariate; . NOVENA AND DEVOTIONAL PRAYERS IN HONOR OF BLESSED PEDRO CALUNGSOD. . Blessed Pedro Calungsod.pdf .. 150 Copies of Saint Pedro Calungsod - English Novena 1,050.00. 1 review . 5 stars . (16) Devotions (22) Holy Mass .
lhakpergcentro Admin replied
349 weeks ago